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Erwin Eisch

German, born 1927



1946                        Apprenticeship in glass engraving at his father’s (Valentin Eisch) workshop, until 1949.

1949                        Studied glass design at the Academy of Fine Arts, Munich, Germany, until 1953.

1952                        First contact with hot glass.

1956                        Studied sculpture at the Academy of Fine Arts, Munich, Germany, until 1959.

1960                        Founded the art group Radama with Max Strack and Gretel Stadler.

1962                        Married Gretel Stadler; first contact with Harvey Littleton.

1965                        Started a glass studio in Frauenau, Germany.

1968                        Began Lecturing/ Teaching around the world.

1988                        Organized the summer school Bildwerk, Frauenau.



Selected Exhibitions


2002                        Kunsthalle Dresen und Schloss Pillnitz, Germany.

2001                        Otto Gallerie, Munich, Germany.

1999                        16 Heads and The Space Between.  Corning Inc. Headquarters, Corning, NY.

1997                        Leerer Beutel. Städtische Sammlungen und Kunstverein, Städtische Galerie Regensburg, Germany.

                                  Museum of Modern Art, Hokkaido, Japan.    

                                  Charleroi Musee du Berre, France.

1995                        Expanded Glass. Modern Art Museum, Yokohama, Japan.

1994                        Kurokabe Museum, Nagahama, Japan.

1992                        Kristallnacht. Galerie Maurine Littleton, Washington DC.

1988                        Peintures-Verres-Dessins.  Musee des Arts Decoratifs, Paris, France.          

                                 Hommage a Picasso-Peintures et Sculptures. Galerie Suzel, Paris, France. 

1987                        Kulturepreis, East Bavaria, Germany.

1984                        Galerie Ketterer, Munich, Germany.

1982                        Heller Gallery, New York, NY.

1981                        Kunstmesse, Basel, Switzerland.

                                 Galerie Schuh, Munich, Germany.


1980                        Contemporary Glass: Europe and Japan. The National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo, Japan.

1979                        New Glass: A Worldwide Survey.  The Corning Museum of Glass, Corning, New York. Through 1981.

1978                        Tyler School of Art, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. 

1977                        Kunstsammlungen der Veste Coburg, Germany.

1976                        Modernes Glas aus Amerika, Europa, und Japan.

                                 (First glass head series/Harvey K. Littleton Head) Museum für Kunsthandwerk, Frankfurt, Germany. 

1973                        Leading German Craftsmen. The British Crafts Center, London, England.

1972                        Museum Bellerive, Zürich, Switzerland.

1971                        Galerie Henning, Darmstadt, Germany.         

                                  Narziss-Ein Interieur. Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe, Hamburg, Germany.

1969                        Art Alliance, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

1968                        Fountain of Youth Installation. Bundesgartenschau, Dortmund, Germany.

1964                        Elvehjem Museum of Art, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin.

1961                        Glas und Porzellanhaus Tritschler, Stuttgart, Germany.

1960                        Bolus Krim Gedächtnisausstellung-Gruppe Radama. Galerie Malura, Munich, Germany. 




2002                        Lifetime Achievement Award, Urban-Glass, Brooklyn, NY.

1995                        Lifetime Achievement Award, Glass Art Society, Corning, NY.

1992                        Krystallnacht Project, Gold Award for “My Love to Anne Frank,” American

                                  Interfaith Institute, Philadelphia, PA.

1985                        Coburger Glaspreis – First prize.

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